#6 Two PTs Walk into a Garage
Week 6 was designed to focus on the rotation of the trunk and the pivoting required for tennis. These moves can easily be applied to other rotation sports like golf, and throwing. Muscles used in this workout will creep up on you and can fatigue quickly.
The workout was surprisingly exhausting in the best way. I had to take a break between each set and each round to prepare for the next one. Afterwards, my entire body felt warmed up and ready to tackle the day.
Reminder – the fancy equipment isn’t needed and can be replaced by anything you have around the house.
Workout #6:
BOSU ball
Heavy loop band
Light Dumbbells
Sets & Reps:
45 seconds for each exercise
3 repetitions of each round
About 30 minutes to complete 2 rounds
Round 1:
1. BOSU shoulder Y to W
2. V runs
3. Banded ViPR high to low rotation
4. Bent over back fly (thumbs up)
Round 2:
1. BOSU sit up
2. Run to squat
3. Banded block tall kneel rotation
4. Banded quadruped trunk rotation
All workouts are focused on bone health by moving in all directions with varying loads, recovery between sets while focusing on core, hips, and shoulder stability in every direction.
Come exercise with us!
My mom got her results from her most recent DEXA scan and had improvement in her Z scores!!!